Kirsten Klein
Mythical Places
In the exhibition ‘Mythical Places’, photographer Kirsten Klein (b. 1945) invites you to rediscover places where eternity and poetry in the world appear – from burial mounds and stone formations to breaking waves and the northern lights. The motifs seem easily recognizable, but on closer inspection a deeper magic is felt. Nature is her starting point, and the aim is to show traces of affinity between the moment and eternity.
In 2025, Kirsten Klein turns 80, and the exhibition is a celebration of one of Danish photography's most prominent figures. The exhibition shows a wide selection of Kirsten Klein's works, and the many loans are supplemented by works from Vendsyssel Museum of Art’s collection.
As part of the exhibition, you can also experience the portrait film 'What I Believe In', produced by and on loan from Louisiana Channel.
Kirsten Klein is one of the country's most recognized photographers. She has received a large number of honors – such as The Danish Arts Foundation’s Lifelong Achievement Award (1997), Palle Fogtdal’s Honorary Award (2007) and the Thorvaldsen Medal (2012), and is also represented in the collections of several Danish Art Museums, including Vendsyssel Museum of Art.
The exhibition is arranged in collaboration with Kunsthal Holmen and Mikkelberg, Center for Nordic Art and Cricket.
The exhibition have been supported by: The Danish Arts Foundation and Knud Højgaards Fond.